Thursday, August 29, 2024

August 30 Newsletter

Mrs. Bali’s First Grade News

August 28, 2024

Review of our week:

I have been doing some assessing this week to see where your child is in reading. Each day, we interview our leader and each child then writes something about the leader and draws a picture.  When we finish each student will have a book they have made with a page about each person in our class.  I am very excited to see how much each child has improved in their writing abilities.  In math we have been working on ways to make 10.  

I will be gone next Thursday and Friday. I won’t be doing a newsletter next week.

Next Week’s Leaders:

Monday, September 2 – No School (Labor Day)

Tuesday, September 3 – Isabelle

Wednesday, September 5 – Maya

Thursday, September 6 – Gemma

Friday, September 7 – Mason

Monday, September 9 – Ollie 

Tuesday, September 10 – Reese

Wednesday, September 11– Ronix

Thursday, September 12 – Rylan

Friday, September 13 – Rex

Parent Readers:

We will be starting in a few weeks.  You do need to pass a background check with the district to do this.


Your child should be reading every night. At this point their reading time can be a combination of them reading and you reading to them.  I know some of you are reading the full 20 to your child and that is great.    

We will be starting our Take Home Library soon.  Your child will be getting 1 book they can read on their own Monday-Thursday. If you would like extra books, I have some I can send home. Raz is also a great resource to be using.

Reading Records:

I have included the reading record for September. The reading record is due by the date at the bottom.  Please, take the time to help your child with their reading.  They need to color an apple for each day they read for 20 minutes.  Thanks

Upcoming Events:

Monday, September 2 – No School (Labor Day)

September 5-6 – Mrs. Bali will be gone. I will be with my boys at the Stock Show.

Saturday, September 7 – South Family Swim Night @ the Aquatic Center6:30-8:30

Friday, September 13 – Celebrate Rex’s Birthday

Friday, September 20 – Celebrate Ezra’s Birthday

Wednesday, September 25 – Picture Day

September 30-October 4 – SEP Week (School will get out at 2:30, except on Friday it will be 1:30)

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